A message from John AllEn Watts, Composer
The Crossing and The Ten Crucial Days
I could not be more genuinely excited and proud than I am about the new musical that I am writing with my brilliant collaborator, Jason Huza --The Crossing and the Ten Crucial Days. Our musical portrays a few of the everyday, now forgotten, heroes of the American Revolution who, under the leadership of George Washington, made the idea of government of, by and for the people, a reality. After intense research, and discussing our story with scholars and historians, Jason and I have not only a compete script but an entire score! For me, this process has felt like automatic writing - everything was effortless.
What’s been truly extraordinary is the support of others who have come together working to move our project forward, people like Roger Williams, founder of TenCrucialDays.org, who opened the way for us to perform at the Washington Crossing Historical Park Theatre. And our historical consultant, Larry Kidder, who is the authority on this subject. His book Ten Crucial Days: Washington's Plan for Victory Unfolds has been indispensable to us and he did even better with his latest book about one of our main characters: The Revolutionary World of a Free Black Man: Jacob Frances.
Larry Kidder adds, “I knew from my first conversations with John and Jason that I genuinely wanted to be part of their team to create this musical. They displayed such enthusiasm and a multilayered understanding of potential themes to explore, combined with a clear desire to produce not only an artistic masterpiece but also an educational one. As a lifelong teacher interested in enhancing the lives of my students by instilling a love of history and valuing its importance in helping them understand what it means to be a human being, this project was a natural for me to support in any way I could. Working with John, Jason, and their team has only increased my desire to help in any way I can.”
I hope you will answer the call and join our cause!
Together, we can make this a reality and just the first step towards a fully staged production one day. I look forward to staying in touch with all of you as our show moves along the developmental path towards a successful major production. Finally, if you know anyone else who you think shares our passion for bringing this moving story to the stage please pass along our website link https://fundraising.fracturedatlas.org/the-crossing
Thank you for your support
*The Crossing and the Ten Crucial Days is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of The Crossing and the Ten Crucial Days must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.